
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Starting February

Happy 1.5 years to us. This anniversary went unnoticed other than a typical night making puppy chow and watching a movie.

I treasure my husband for gratning with my wishes to watch old favorite movies, and trusting me enough to watch them with me.

Here is the tally thus far:
Anne of Green Gables, just as good as ever. Better now that I'm old enough to understand the humor.
Lion King 2, Simba's Pride, not enjoyable over the age of 12, and that might be pushing it.
Iron Will, amazing. I think I cried. Jared said this movie is good because it has a lot of action. The kid beats up a humongous Russian! He wanted to make sure that his viewpoint is shared too.
Treasure Planet. Still good, the best part is the 4D book that reads to you at the beginning of the movie. And Jared wants one of those flying hoverboards.
Luckily, Jared is pretty game for anything, but I don't think I'll ever convince him to watch this one. A timeless classic.

Two new animated favorites, that you can consider highly recommended by both of us: How to Train Your Dragon, and The Lorax. The first of these featured a lot of snort laughing and chortles from me, and a few great HA!'s from Jared. The lines are clever and the plot well thought. The latter engrossed Jared so much while I was cutting his hair one night, that I swear I could have given him a fauxhawk and he wouldn't have even noticed. Now I am wishing I had.

President's day weekend I got to go to my favorite middle sister's swim meet. She totally rocked every event, and even qualified for Nationals in the 50 y backstroke. That girl has got some guns!

**Note to reader, I just tried uploading some pictures, and the uploader tool said, "Catastrophic Failure." YIKES! Try again later**

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